Size of telescope goldfish
Size of telescope goldfish

There is also a beautiful, but rare, Telescope Goldfish variation that is chocolate coloured with orange pompons. The black and white combination is often referred to as Panda Telescope Goldfish. Today you can find red, white, red/white, black/white, calico coloured, tri-coloured, chocolate and bluescale Telescope Goldfish. The Telescope Goldfish comes in many different colours and sizes, but all Telescope Goldfish have the protruding eyes and the long and flowing fins in common. The fish should have long and flowing fins, and the caudal fin comes in several variations: normal Oranda tail, broadtail, veiltail and butterfly. The body depth of a Telescope Goldfish should ideally be larger than 2/3 of the body length. Regardless of the shape of the eyes, they should always be equal in size and protrude outwards.Ī Telescope Goldfish has an egg-shaped body with a double caudal fin. Just like the name suggest, flat eyes are somewhat flattened at the top. The dome shaped eyes are wider at the base of the eye and becomes narrower at the top. Some Telescope Goldfish have round eyes that look like they are about to float away from the fish, while others have more than half of the eye attached to the head. The round eyes can be found in various degrees of attachment to the head of the fish. The dome shaped eye, the flat eye and the simple, round eye. There are three acceptable eye-shapes for the Telescope Goldfish.

size of telescope goldfish size of telescope goldfish

The Telescope Goldfish is known by several other names as well, such as Globe Eye Goldfish, Dragon Eye Goldfish and the Japanese word Demekin. The Telescope Goldfish derives its name form its large and protruding eyes.

Size of telescope goldfish